Although the frequency of beard transplantation has increased in the last few years, it is actually a preferred treatment method for a long time. Beards are very important for men to have an aesthetic appearance. For this reason, the lack of beard or the sparseness of the beard can cause men to feel some psychological discomfort. With the application of hair transplantation to the face area, the problem of not growing a beard or sparseness in the beard can be easily solved.
There may be different reasons such as age, hormonal problems, regional burns, some drugs used and various diseases. However, in some people, the problem may develop due to genetic factors alone.
Beard transplantation is basically the process of applying hair transplantation to the face area. It is applied to the beardless parts of the face by planting grafts taken from the back of the hair or from the appropriate donor area.
Beard transplant;
The person to be transplanted should be at least 20-22 years old, have completed puberty and have fully settled hormones. Under normal conditions, beard transplantation is not recommended before the age of 20-22, as beards can grow spontaneously up to this age range.
Beard transplantation is performed under local anesthesia using the FUE method. It is preferable to use the cheekbones and neck hairs that are close to the beard area but are not aesthetically necessary as donors. If enough grafts cannot be obtained from this area, the application can be made using the hairs in the nape area.
After determining the application area and how much graft is needed, the grooving process is performed. In order to obtain a natural appearance, the channels opened should be suitable for the width of the hair follicles to be planted and angled correctly.
Then, grafts are taken one by one from the donor area using a fine-tipped and high-speed device called a micro motor. The operation is completed by placing the extracted hair follicles into the opened channels one by one.
The procedure to be applied before beard transplantation is the same as before hair transplantation. The patient is examined and the area where the application will be made and the number of grafts needed are determined.
The areas where beard transplantation is made should not be washed for the first 24-48 hours. Although red formations such as acne can be seen for a while in the application area, just like in hair transplantation, this situation is considered normal. Since the face is an extremely sensitive area, the doctor's recommendations should be followed completely during the healing process.
Again, due to the risk of deformation of the hair follicles in the application area, activities that may cause sweating should be avoided for a certain period of time. Otherwise, undesirable situations such as the hair follicles not holding their place in a healthy way and not growing may be encountered.
Scarves and necked clothes should not be used for a while and contact with hair follicles should be prevented. It is beneficial to follow a nutrition program rich in protein group foods with vitamins A, E, C, D, B7 and B12, which are known to have tissue repair properties, in order to experience health and a rapid recovery process. After the operation, one should not lie face down for a certain period of time and the application area should be in contact with the pillow at a minimum level.
Although shock shedding may occur at first after the operation, the beards grow back in a completely healthy way after a few months. It may take 8-12 months to see the final result. Beards can be shaved with scissors about 1 month after beard transplantation.
Although beard transplantation is recommended after the age of 20-22, it should be decided by making a personal evaluation.
Since the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, there is no pain.
If the operation is performed correctly by a specialist team, there is a fast and comfortable recovery process. Although the recovery period varies from person to person, it is extremely important to follow the doctor's recommendations.
Beard transplant prices vary according to the method to be applied, the area of application, and factors such as approximately how many grafts will be used. Since the needs of each person are different, it is appropriate to give a price after the examination.